Updated By Letícia Oliveira
On July 7, 1917, the date on which Pelotas’ birthday is celebrated, the city’s School of Arts and Crafts was created and built, through donations from the community. In 1940 the building was demolished due to the construction of a new headquarters, then called the Pelotas Technical School. The first technical course dates back to 1953 and was Machine and Engine Construction, the origin of the current Industrial Mechanics course.
In 1959 it became a federal authority and in 1965 it was named Escola Técnica Federal de Pelotas. In 1996, the implementation of decentralized campuses began in Rio Grande do Sul. In 1999 it was renamed the Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio Grande do Sul and since December 2008 it has been called the Instituto Federal Sul-Rio-Grandense.
Bagé Campus: Avenida Leonel de Moura Brizola, 2.501, Bairro Pedras Brancas Bagé/RS.
Camaquã Campus: Rua Ana Gonçalves da Silva, 901, Bairro Olaria – Camaquã/RS. Telephone: (51) 3671-2017.
Charqueadas Campus: Rua General Balbão, 81, Centro – Charqueadas/RS. Telephone: (51) 3658-3775.
Passo Fundo Campus: Estrada Perimetral Leste, 150, Passo Fundo/RS. Telephone: (54) 3311-2916.
Campus Pelotas: Praça Vinte de Setembro, 455, Centro – Pelotas/RS. Telephone: (53) 2123-1000.
Campus Pelotas – Visconde da Graça: Av. Ildelfonso Simões Lopes, 2791, Bairro Arco Íris – Pelotas/RS. Telephone: (53) 3277-6700.
Sapucaia do Sul Campus: Avenida Copacabana, 100, Piratini – Sapucaia do Sul/RS. Telephone: (51) 3452-9200.
Venâncio Aires Campus: Avenida das Indústrias, 1865 – University District – Venâncio Aires/RS. Telephone (51) 3793-4200
Santana do Livramento Campus: Rua Paul Harris, 410 · Centro · Sant’Ana do Livramento/RS. Phone: (55) 3242-9090
Courses Taught
Bagé: Agriculture, IT, Agroindustry and IT for the internet.
Camaquã Campus: School Food Technician, Industrial Automation Technician, Environmental Control Technician, Electrical Technician, IT Technician, School Infrastructure Technician, IT Maintenance and Support Technician, Didactic Multimedia Technician and School Secretariat Technician.
Charqueadas Campus: IT, Mechatronics, Electronics, Mechanical Manufacturing, Internet Systems and Education and Contemporary.
Deep step: Building Technician, IT Technician, Mechanical Technician and Internet Systems Technology
Technical courses: School Food Technician, Visual Communication Technician, Interior Design Technician, Building Technician, Electromechanical Technician, Electronics Technician, Electrical Technician, Technician in Execution, Conservation and Restoration of Buildings, School Infrastructure Technician, Mechanical Technician , Didactic Multimedia Technician, Chemistry Technician, School Secretariat Technician and Telecommunications Technician.
Undergraduate courses: Degree in Computing, Bachelor’s Degree in Design, Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Environmental Sanitation Technology and Internet Systems Technology.
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Pelotas-Visconde da Graça
Technical courses: Agroindustry Technician, Agricultural Technician, Environmental Technician, Fruit Culture Technician, Clothing Technician
Undergraduate courses: Higher Technology Course in Agroindustry, Higher Technology Course in Environmental Management, Higher Technology Course in Cooperative Management and Higher Technology Course in Viticulture and Enology.
Santana do Livramento: Environmental Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, Internet Information Technology and Logistics.
Sapucaia do Sul
Technical courses: Events, IT, Plastics and Administration.
Higher Education Courses: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Production Management Technologist and Mechanical Manufacturing Technologist
Venâncio Aires: Electromechanical, Refrigeration, IT and IT Maintenance and Support.
Distance learning
IFSul does not offer distance learning undergraduate courses (EaD), only technical ones. Website: ead.ifsul.edu.br
Entrance exam
It is held twice a year, the Summer and Winter Entrance Exams. The Higher Education exams take place on two consecutive days, lasting 4 hours each and have 80 questions from High School subjects and an essay.
Tests for technical courses take place in two different ways, depending on the course chosen. In one of them, the test takes place on a single day in two shifts of 3 hours each. In the morning there are 20 questions in Mathematics and 10 in Geography and in the afternoon, 20 in Portuguese and 10 in History. For subsequent education courses, the test lasts 3 hours and assesses knowledge in Portuguese, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in ten questions from each subject.
And either
The IFSul also adopts the Unified Selection System (SiSU) as a form of selection. Half of the places are reserved for participants of the National High School Exam (Enem).
IFSul reserves half of the places in each course for candidates who completed all of high school in the public network.