How to calculate the exam score? After the templates are released, many students think they can calculate the Enem grade based on the number of correct answers. There are doubts about how much is each question worth It is how many questions do you have to get right in the enem.
The anxiety to know the Enem score as soon as possible is understandable, after all, a good performance in the exam can earn you a place in higher education.
However, students need to handle this anxiety because it is not possible to calculate the Enem grade from the answer sheet.
The Enem score is calculated using the Item Response Theory (IRT). In this methodology, what matters is the consistency of the hits and not just the quantity. Like this? TRI is really complicated, so we also recommend reading the link below:
Understand how the Item Response Theory (IRT) works
How to calculate the exam score
Unlike a common test, the Enem score in each area does not simply represent the number of questions the student got right in the test.
In each of the four areas evaluated, the average obtained also depends on the difficulty of the questions that are answered correctly and incorrectly, and on the consistency of the answers. That’s why, students who get the same number of questions right may get different averages.
In other words, TRI analyzes the possibility of the participant having kicked to settle a question. If the student only got the easy questions right and a difficult one, for example, the methodology understands that it was a guess.
The opposite happens if the participant has consistency in the correct answers between easy, medium and difficult questions. In this context, the question about how much each Enem question is worth becomes irrelevant.
And the newsroom?
In the case of writing the Enem, the TRI is not used. The texts are corrected by two proofreaders, who give a score from zero to 200 points in each of the five evaluated skills.
When there is a discrepancy between the scores of the brokers, a third evaluator is responsible for giving the score.
Find out how the Enem essay is corrected
How do I know if I did well in the Enem?
Generally, the average of the exams is close to 500 points. Therefore, the farther from this number the student’s grade is, upwards, the greater the performance obtained in relation to the average of the participants.
The same reasoning applies to performance below 500, which indicates a worse performance compared to that obtained by the average.
What is the maximum score of the Enem?
The limits of the scale, within each area, vary according to the level of difficulty of the test questions and the behavior of the students in each question. Therefore, the minimum and maximum for each assessed area are not pre-set. In each edition this score changes.
Check below the highest and lowest scores of Enem 2021.
Knowledge area
lowest grade
highest grade
Natural Sciences and Technologies 307.6 867.1 Human Sciences and Technologies 311.6 846.9 Languages, Codes and Technologies 295.2 826.1 Mathematics and Technologies 310.4 953.1
Know more!
*Information taken from the Inep/MEC website
DOUBTS? – Before sending your question, read this article that answers the main questions about the Enem result.