How much does the semester cost at Tec de Monterrey Puebla? –

How much does the semester cost at Tec de Monterrey Puebla?

Tuition payment is made per semester. The cost for a semester of 48 units is $120,700 pesos in the professional program or $143,293 in the international professional program. To this cost must be added the insurance premiums for major medical expenses ($3,054) and the student insurance payment ($3,464).

How many years is the marketing career?

4 years
The marketing career lasts 4 years divided into 12 semesters, through the face-to-face modality and 3 years divided into a period of 9 semesters in the online modality.

What is needed to obtain a scholarship at Tec de Monterrey?


  1. Be a student admitted to the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey.
  2. Have a cumulative average equal to or greater than 90 in high school.
  3. Obtain 1,300 points or more in the Academic Aptitude Test (Does not apply to current students).
  4. Have support equal to or greater than 60% in Socioeconomic Scholarship.

How much does the semester cost at ITAM?

The cost of each credit is 3,350 pesos. On average, this is equivalent to paying five monthly installments of $17,500.00 per semester. That is, you could invest between 87,000 and 120,000 pesos per semester.

How much does the Autonomous University of Nuevo León cost?

For National UANL students this fee is generally around $2,705.00 approximately, for Foreign UANL students this fee is generally around $4,525.00.

How to get a scholarship of 100?


  1. Have a cumulative average up to the last year of high school, equal to or greater than 90.
  2. Of Mexican nationality.
  3. Without professional studies.
  4. Entrepreneur and with some verifiable social project and community development.
  5. Demonstrate the need for 100% scholarship.

How to get a scholarship of 100 in Anahuac?

Students who have a high-performance sports curriculum and who have at least an 8.0 average in high school can participate. In case of being selected, the scholarship percentage can range from 10% to 90% depending on the sports level and financial need.

What is the Marketing career?

The Marketing career studies the methods of communication between clients and companies; for example, students of such a degree study how a company should share its brand, and more than a product, its purpose.

How much do you earn in the Marketing career?

A person who works as a Bachelor of Marketing and Advertising has various responsibilities and the remuneration of the profession is separated from them. According to studies carried out by IMCQ as of 2022, a professional in this area can earn, on average, $12,148 pesos per month.

How much does it cost to study at Tec de Monterrey with a scholarship?

Monterey Campus

Tuition Tec21 Medicine Tec21 Number of credits Number of credits 18 18 Cash plan Cash plan $125,800.00 $138,300.00

How much tuition is paid at ITAM?

3,350 pesos
The cost of each credit is 3,350 pesos. On average, this is equivalent to paying five monthly installments of $17,500.00 per semester. That is, you could invest between 87,000 and 120,000 pesos per semester.