How long is it from Hermosillo to Tijuana? –

How long does it take from Hermosillo to Tijuana?

9h 55min

How many hours are from Altar Sonora to Tijuana by bus?

The distance between Altar and Tijuana is 528 km. The distance by road is 619.3 km. How do I travel from Altar to Tijuana without a car? The best way to get from Altar to Tijuana without a car is to bus which takes 8h 14m and costs $950 – $1700.

How many hours are from Altar Sonora to Tijuana?

There are 531.74 km of distance between Tijuana and Altar and 628 km by road. To travel the route between Tijuana and Altar by car would take 7 hours 36 mins.

How many hours is the altar in Tijuana?

The distance between Altar Sonora and Tijuana Baja California is 625 km. The estimated time of the travel route between the two cities is approximately 8 hours 31 minutes. In a straight line the distance between Altar and Tijuana is 532 km.

How many hours are Altar Sonora?

Yes, the driving distance between Altar to Sonora is 243 km. It takes approximately 2h 41m to drive from Altar to Sonora.

How many kilometers is it from Altar Sonora to Tijuana?

Airline distance and flight time between Altar and Tijuana

Distance Flight speed 532 km 500 km/h calculator: km km/h Note: The straight line distance between Altar and Tijuana, as well as the travel time, were calculated using mathematical formulas with a flight speed of 900 km per hour . .

How much does the ticket from Tijuana to Altar Sonora cost?

The cheapest way to get from Tijuana to Altar is to bus via San Luis Río Colorado which costs $1000 – $1300 and takes 10h 45m. What is the fastest way to get from Tijuana to Altar? The quickest way to get from Tijuana to Altar is to fly and bus which costs $1500 – $2800 and takes 6h 37m.

How many hours are from Sonora to Baja California?

The shortest route between Hermosillo and Baja-California-Sur is 1,091.95 km according to the route planner. The duration of the journey is approximately 19h 40min.

How much does the bus ticket from Mexicali to Queretaro cost?

Information on buses from Mexicali to Santiago de Querétaro

The cheapest bus $4,702.32 The first bus 11:55 am The last bus 11:55 am Daily bus routes 1 Ø Distance 2,009.1 km

How many hours are from Mexico to Mexicali by car?

The straight line distance between Mexico City (Federal District) and Mexicali (Baja California) is 2,191.22 km, but the distance en route is 2,612 km. It takes 1 day and 4 hours to go from Mexico City to Mexicali by car, which would require a consumption of 157 liters of fuel.

How many hours does it take from Chihuahua to Mexicali by bus?

The fastest bus from Chihuahua to Mexicali starts at 16h 28m.