How far is Tijuana from Puerto Peñasco?
There are 356.36 km of distance between Tijuana and Puerto Peñasco and 468 km by road. To travel the route between Tijuana and Puerto Peñasco by car it would take 5 hours 48 mins.
How long does it take to drive from Tijuana to Puerto Peñasco?
Distance from Tijuana to Puerto Peñasco by car The distance from Tijuana to Puerto Peñasco by car takes approximately 9 hours and 11 minutes.
Which airport is closest to Puerto Peñasco?
The nearest airport to Puerto Peñasco is Puerto Penasco Airport (PPE) which is 4 km away. Other nearby airports include Tucson (TUS) (261.7 km), Phoenix (PHX) (276.4 km), Phoenix Esa Gateway (AZA) (282.4 km) and Tijuana (TIJ) (352 km).
How to get to Puerto Peñasco from Guadalajara?
The quickest way to get from Guadalajara to Puerto Peñasco is to fly and bus which costs $1300 – $4200 and takes 10h 42m.
How long is it from Peñasco to Hermosillo?
The distance between Hermosillo Sonora and Puerto Peñasco Sonora is 456 km. The estimated time of the travel route between the two cities is approximately 5 hours 46 minutes.
How many kilometers are from here to Peñasco?
The straight line distance between Mexico City and Puerto Peñasco is 1,959 kilometers. Mexico City (Population: 8,851,080) is located in the Federal District.
How long does it take from Puerto Peñasco to Sonoyta?
The distance between Sonoyta and Puerto Peñasco is 98 kilometers by road. The distance from Sonoyta to Puerto Peñasco by car takes approximately 4 hours and 51 minutes.
How long does it take from Sonoyta to San Luis Río Colorado?
Distance from Sonoyta to San Luis Rio Colorado by car takes approximately 2 hours and 27 minutes. The distance between Sonoyta and San Luis Rio Colorado is ranked 361º.
How far is it from Sonoyta to San Luis Río Colorado?
Airline distance and flight time between San Luis Rio Colorado and Sonoyta
Distance Flight speed Flight time 192 km 900 km/h 12 min 192 km 700 km/h 16 min 192 km 500 km/h 23 min calculator:
How many kilometers are from Caborca to San Luis Río Colorado?
There are 313.44 km of distance between Caborca and San Luis Río Colorado and 354 km by road. To travel the route between Caborca and San Luis Río Colorado by car it would take 4 hours 18 minutes.
How many kilometers are from Sonoyta to Tijuana?
The distance from Sonoyta to Tijuana is 436 kilometers by road including 222 kilometers on highways. By road it takes approximately 7 hours and 36 minutes and passes through San Luis Rio Colorado, Ejido Hermosillo, Monterrey Batáquez, Queretaro, Sinaloa and Ciudad Progreso.
How many kilometers are from San Luis Río Colorado to Mexicali?