How does a penis break and can there be consequential damage?

It’s probably every man’s nightmare: a broken penis! But how do you actually recognize a broken penis and how do you treat it properly? Because it is not only important to cure the injury, but also to avoid consequential damage.

A penis cannot actually break because it has no bones. But there can be a strong bend that affects the erectile tissue. How exactly can this happen? FITBOOK had this explained to them by a urologist. The expert also explained to us how to recognize and treat the injury – and what consequential damage is possible in the worst case.

How does a penis fracture happen?

What is colloquially referred to as a penile fracture or penile rupture describes a strong bending or compression as a result of which a erectile tissue or the skin of a erectile tissue can tear.1 “The connective tissue covering that surrounds the erectile tissue is not elastic. If there is a compression during masturbation or during sex, for example if the penis slips out of the vagina and gets caught on the woman’s pubic bone, this can lead to such a tear,» explains Dr. medical Axel-Jürg Potempa, urologist from Munich. Nevertheless, a penile fracture is very rare: «Out of 175,000 emergencies in the clinic, one is a penile fracture.»

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How do you recognize a penis fracture to avoid consequential damage?

A broken penis rarely goes unnoticed. «Patients often report a cracking noise,» says Dr. medical Potenpa. There is severe, stabbing pain. The erection decreases, at the same time the penis turns dark red-bluish and swells. Usually only one of the two upper spongy bodies is affected.2 «In this case, the penis bends in the direction of the non-torn side,» says the urologist. «There’s another cavernous body that lies down at the urethra. Most of the time it is not affected. If you do, you can tell by the blood coming out of the urethra because it’s also injured.»

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In any case, cool the penis and get to the emergency room as soon as possible! There, the penile rupture can then be detected and localized by palpation, ultrasound, MRI or X-ray with contrast medium.

How should a penis fracture be treated?

First, the bleeding is slowed with compressive bandages. Medications can relieve the pain. Under no circumstances should aspirin be taken, as this increases the tendency to bleed. Instead, antiandrogens and sedatives ensure that no new blood enters the erectile tissue.

Doctors then have to decide how to treat the penile fracture. «With conservative treatment, i.e. without surgery, later complications are much more common,» says Dr. medical Potenpa. In most cases, therefore, an operation is carried out immediately or a day later and the tear is sewn up. A visible scar rarely remains.

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After the operation, the patient is given a compression bandage. Testosterone blockers and sedatives prevent an erection, allowing the surgical wound to heal. “If the urethra has not been injured, you often do not need to wear a urethral catheter after the operation. However, the patient should be hospitalized for about five days and remain sexually inactive for four to six weeks after discharge,” says the doctor.

dr medical Axel-Jürg Potempa is a specialist in urology and has been head of the competence center for urology, andrology, sexual medicine, psychosomatic medicine and couple therapy in Munich for over 20 yearsPhoto: dr medical Axel-Jürg Potempa

Can a penis fracture go undetected?

If you do not go to the doctor despite the pain, there is a risk that a tear in the cavernous body shell or in the cavernous bodies will go undetected. «Sometimes these are patients who come to my practice because of erectile dysfunction,» says the urologist. «Or because of penile deviation, which means that the penis becomes crooked when erected. During the examination, I can then detect by touch or an ultrasound: There is a hardening or an irregularity in the connective tissue. There could have been a slight fracture of the penis there.”

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What late effects are possible?

If a penis fracture is left untreated, it can result in consequential damage. «Curvature of the penis or erectile dysfunction can occur because the blood flow to the erectile tissue can be disrupted,» explains Dr. medical Potempa. «Or to recurring pain and connective tissue knots, which are recognizable as swelling.» Diverticula, i.e. protuberances on the erectile tissue, as well as narrowing of the urethra are possible consequential damage after an untreated penile fracture.

Subsequent surgery is also risky. There is a risk of damage to the erectile tissue or infection. «If it is purely cosmetic, i.e. not functional, I would strongly advise against an operation on the erectile tissue,» according to the expert.
