How do you say truck in Spain and Argentina?
Collective locomotion buses: in Argentina «a collective», in Chile «a micro», in Mexico a «truck», in Spain a «bus», in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic a «guagua» and in Venezuela a «cart» or “buseta”.
How do you say truck in Brazil?
truck {masculine} truck {m}
What are taxis?
The taxi or libre is a means of transport with regulated rates that consists of a transport vehicle with a driver that offers transport services for one person or a small group of passengers directed to the same or different destinations for contract or money.
What does ruletero mean in Mexico?
2 Public transport car, which circulates around the city looking for clients; taxi: “How did you do it, if there are no rollers or a remedy?”
How should the quality of service of a taxi driver be?
The procedure followed to determine the quality and degree of satisfaction with the taxi service was the Servqual model, which establishes five dimensions; Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Security and Empathy.
How to give a good taxi service?
How to get clients for taxi service
- Be punctual, serious and responsible.
- Have wide availability.
- Create a network of collaborators.
- May you and your vehicle have a good image.
- It offers facilities and services on board.
- Hand out business cards.
- Adapt to new technologies.
- Create a web page.
What percentage of people use the taxi?
26% do it by collective public transport, 3% by taxi, 7% on foot and 6% by bicycle. Private vehicles are used by 13%, where the car is used by 8% and the motorcycle by 5%.
What is customer service?
It is the attitude to provide help, support, advice and information with all possible attention, it is also the set of strategies that a company designs to satisfy, better than its competitors, the needs and expectations of its external and internal customers.