How dangerous are «dead teeth» for health?

The terms root canal treatment and “dead tooth” make many people uncomfortable. Rumors are now circulating more and more on the Internet that root-treated teeth – popularly known as dead teeth – could be harmful to health. But is that really true? FITBOOK has investigated the myth.

Many people have experienced it themselves: a stabbing or throbbing pain in the tooth that is almost unbearable. In this case, the dental nerve (also called pulp or pulp) inside the tooth has probably become inflamed. Root canal treatment not only relieves patients of pain. He also has the chance to get the tooth. The radical alternative to this: pull the tooth. Because losing a tooth entails an expensive replacement, root canal treatment is always the first choice. What remains is a so-called «dead tooth». Can this become a health problem? And is he really dead? We did some research.

What causes inflammation inside the tooth?

If teeth are not properly cleaned, bacteria can attack the tooth and lead to tooth decay. If tooth decay is left untreated, the bacteria continue to migrate to the root of the tooth, which is located in the gums. They can penetrate the inside of the tooth and cause inflammation of the nerve of the tooth. This process is gradual and can drag on for years. It is all the more important to ensure good oral hygiene as a preventive measure – FITBOOK reveals 9 tips for improving your own oral flora.

How do you recognize the inflammation?

In most cases, the tooth affected by bacteria becomes noticeable through pain. These occur in particular when biting and with hot and cold food/drinks. However, they can also make themselves felt suddenly when we are at rest, sometimes manifesting themselves in the form of headaches and jaw pain. In addition, the tooth is sensitive to knocking and swelling of the surrounding gums occurs. Bad breath or bad taste can also indicate that bacteria are at work.

Important: Pain does not always occur with tooth root inflammation, as it is a gradual process. Sometimes they make themselves felt for a short time and disappear again, which unfortunately does not mean that the problem has gone away on its own. That’s why you should always see a dentist, even if you have minor tooth problems. Ideally, an X-ray can provide clarity about the condition of a tooth root infection.

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What happens during a root canal treatment?

As part of a root canal treatment, an x-ray must always be taken first. This is the only way for the dentist to determine how far the inflammation has spread. The tooth is then drilled open to get to the inflamed areas. With tiny instruments and antibacterial substances, the canals in the root of the tooth are cleaned of the infected bacteria. If the inflammation is very advanced, the entire tooth nerve must be removed. After the procedure, the tooth is sealed tightly so that no further bacteria can penetrate. Since a good root canal treatment is expensive, health insurance patients have to expect an additional payment of around 400 euros.

Is a dead tooth really dead?

If the inflammation inside the tooth is not eliminated in time, the nerve of the tooth dies. As a result, the tooth can no longer be supplied with nutrients from the inside. Because of this, he is unfortunately mistakenly confessed to be dead. However, the root of the tooth is still connected to nerves and blood vessels from the outside, which keeps the tooth alive. If he were actually completely dead, the body would want to reject him.

The dentist decides whether an inflamed tooth should be removed or not. Root canal treatment is the last chance to keep the tooth in the jaw. The tooth is often still in good condition, which means that it remains fully functional for many years after a successful root canal treatment.

However, patients with a root canal treated tooth in their mouth need to be a little more careful as the procedure can make it more prone to fracture. That is why you should avoid extremely hard foods such as candy or nuts at this point in the mouth. If you pay attention to this, you can keep the treated tooth in your mouth for many years and save yourself an expensive denture.

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Is a root canal treated tooth dangerous?

If the dentist has worked meticulously, completely removed and cleaned all bacteria and affected areas and then sealed the tooth with a filling, the treated tooth can remain in the jaw – without any negative effects on the body.

However, residues of the inflamed tissue can still remain inside the tooth after a root canal treatment. Either because the canals are difficult to access or because the dentist made mistakes in treatment. This then leads to the tooth starting to “rotate away”, to put it bluntly. And this is where the danger lurks.

When follow-up treatments are needed

If the tooth continues to cause pain after root canal treatment, you should definitely consult the dentist again. It may require follow-up treatment, the so-called revision. The dentist can use an X-ray to determine whether and where there is an infection.

However, it is complicated if there is no pain from the tooth. Inflammation can spread unnoticed over a longer period of time. Similar to periodontitis, the toxic excretions of the bacteria from the tooth could get into the bloodstream and cause problems in other parts of the body. Because of this, some people see the «dead tooth» as a possible poison depot that is best removed.

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Health risk of «dead tooth» not sufficiently researched

With regard to teeth that have been treated at the root canal, possible negative influences on the body have unfortunately not been sufficiently researched. There are no scientific studies that show a direct connection between the so-called «dead tooth» and another disease in the body. It should be noted that just because there are no studies on this does not automatically mean that there are no negative effects on health.

So the best way to avoid root canal treatment is to take good care of your teeth and visit your dentist every year for a professional cleaning.
