Horror movies based on real events | Stories you don’t believe!

If we talk about types of horror films, perhaps the scariest group of the genre are those that are based on real events. And as? Yeah These are creepy, evil, terrifying things that happened in real life, where any of us could have been the target.. The team, on this occasion, has prepared a selection of horror films based on real events especially for you; films that, without a doubt, will leave you with a chill for hours. Do you want to know them? Continue reading!

10 Horror Movies Based on True Events

1. Deliver us from evil (2014)

Of all the horror movies based on real events, This film is one of the most enigmatic to date.. His story begins with a former New York cop investigating a crime spree with a supernatural feel. The film was directed by Scott Derrickson and It is based on the book by Ralph Sarchie, a real New York police officer who specialized in paranormal cases, and who later became a demonologist..

Of course, we need to warn you that the story behind Deliver Us from Evil is based on Sarchie’s own experiences. This police sergeant, after dedicating himself to solving crimes in the Bronx neighborhood, He became interested in the paranormal and began to immerse himself in exorcisms.. One of the horror classics that you can’t miss!

2. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

It is not surprising that the curiosities of horror movies lead us to discover a part of the real history of humanity. However, horror films based on real events often show us iconic but demented characters who once roamed the streets… Do you remember Freddy Krueger?

He is one of the best villains in cinema; inspired by three articles read by Wes Craven, the film’s director, where There was talk of a group of people who lived in southwest Asia and died while having nightmares, all because of a genocide in Cambodia. Wearing a green and red striped sweater, his hat and knife gloves, this character comes out of the darkness to make us shudder in our deepest nightmares.

3. Jaws (1975)

Do horror movies based on real events extend into the realm of biology? It seems that if. In real life there was a great white shark that almost killed more than 4 people; That’s where the blockbuster movie comes from. Shark directed by Steven Spielberg.

Just as you read it, this story is inspired by a novel by Peter Benchley where the events of 5 bathers who disappeared were narrated. The remains of three of them were found in the stomach of a white shark and the other two were never heard from again…

4. The Mothman: The Last Prophecy (2002)

This film based on the book of the same name by John Keel and directed by Mark Pellington is based on the apparently real investigations and sightings of the Mothman, a human figure with enormous wings and red eyes..

In fact, the first sightings occurred in 1966. After several more sightings, on December 15, 1967, the terrible Silver Brige accident occurred, which claimed the lives of 46 people. Many took the Mothman’s presence as a warning of this misfortune.. Some relate this figure to extraterrestrial abductions and others claim that Mothman is a monster that haunts the cold and dark nights. In any case, The Mothman It is one of the horror films based on real events that you cannot miss.

5. The Conjuring: The Warren File (2013)

Do you know why we like horror movies? The answer is adrenaline; the same thing that runs through your veins when you see the story of the Warrens, a couple of demonologists who are hired to investigate the curse of a family in New England.

And yes, like the rest of horror movies based on real events, The spell He is also part of the group. It is said that in 1971 a family moved to a small farm, where strange paranormal phenomena occurred.. The most feared spirit was one that was identified in a seance, which came from a woman who was accused of being a witch…

After years of investigation, it was discovered that there were more than 24 deaths and at least 2 suicides on that farm. All the events are recorded in Andrea Perron’s book called «House of Darkness, House of Light: The True Story».

6. Annabelle (2014)

Continuing with our couple of demonologists, it is time to go back to 1968, moment when two nurses housed a doll that was possessed by the spirit of a girl named Annabelle Higgins. There, the Warrens explain to them that, in reality, it is a demonic entity that wanted to possess one of the nurses.

The film does not follow the same style as other horror films based on real events; however, keeps the viewer intrigued all the time, because with John Form, a porcelain doll comes to spread terror in his home, attacking him and his wife. You know the story, right?

7. The Boston Strangler (1968)

Bloodthirsty men roam the streets of lonely cities in search of their next victim; This is how Albert De Salvo achieved fame for himself. An American rapist and serial killer who confessed to being the famous Boston Strangler.

In 1968, a film was released chronicling the horrific femicides that this man carried out from 1962 to 1964.. The Boston Strangler It is one of the horror films based on real events that will make your hair stand on end as you relive this very particular character.

8. The Rite (2011)

This film is based on the real experiences of Father Gary Thomas, who narrates them to us in his book «The Making of a Modern Exorcist» (2009). In this work, he tells us how he overcame his own deep skepticism regarding the subject after being appointed an exorcist’s apprentice and beginning to perform this rite.… We could not leave aside horror films based on real events where the story of one of the most famous exorcists in the United States is told.

In the film a woman appears who spits nails. Father Thomas admits that he has never seen anything like that personally, but he does know some other priests who have witnessed it on several occasions.. Exorcism, he claims, is a relic of darker times and does not seem to have a place in the Modern Catholic Church, however, he insists that Evil has not left and that it will be present regardless of the time in which we live.

9. The Girl Next Door (2007)

Of all the horror movies based on real events, This may be the cruelest story on our list.. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Jack Ketchum, who was inspired by the murder of Sylvia Likens. A teenager who was tortured and murdered by her caregiver, Gertrude Baniszewski.

The abuse lasted for at least three months before Sylvia died from her extensive injuries and malnutrition. In history, it is described as «the most diabolical case ever brought before a court or jury.». When it was prosecuted, Sylvia’s caretaker was sentenced to life imprisonment, but she was able to be released on parole for being a «model prisoner», an act that led many citizens to indignation.

10. The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

To close our list of horror movies based on real events, there is nothing better than doing it with one of the most terrifying cases we have ever known: the story of Anneliese Michel.

The true story of Emily Rose’s exorcism It is said that Anneliese was a young woman of German origin who performed, in a short period of time, a large number of exorcisms. She lived a normal life until 1968, where she was diagnosed with epilepsy. After that, Her mental and physical health began to worsen, causing her to see diabolical images and become obsessed with the fact that she was possessed..

His hallucinations became so strong that he no longer ate or drank anything, he just dozed on the floor waiting for his demons to be expelled from his body. According to her statements, claimed that she was possessed by at least 6 demons: Lucifer, Cain, Judas, Nero, Belial and Legion. After a time full of exorcisms, he ended up dying from long periods of malnutrition and dehydration.

Did you like these horror movies based on real events? We are completely sure that a nightmare will occur once you close your eyes… Don’t forget that, just like real events, There are also haunted places in the world; spaces that very few would dare to enter. Do you want to know where they are located? We invite you to read our post!