Fuvest released today, April 10th, the 1st extra list of approved candidates for the Fuvest Entrance Exam It’s from Enem-USP 2023. Check out:
Fuvest 2023 extra list
Enem-USP 2023 extra list
Those approved in both selection processes must register from 8am on April 11th to 12pm on April 12th. The procedure must be done online.
After this, candidates must still confirm their enrollment virtually, scheduled for 8am on April 17th to 4pm on April 19th.
Fuvest 2023
The Fuvest 2023 Entrance Exam was applied in two stages, in November and December 2022. 8,230 places were offered in undergraduate courses at the University of São Paulo (USP).
The university reserves places for public students and for Black, Brown and Indigenous (PPI) candidates.
Enem USP 2023
Enem USP is a new system implemented this year that replaces admission to USP via the Unified Selection System (SiSU) of the Ministry of Education, which was previously used.
The offer was 2,917 places, 599 were reserved for candidates in the Broad Competition modality, 1,233 for public school students and 1,085 for self-declared black, brown or indigenous students.