Exclamation mark: meaning, effect, use |

Exclamation marks are probably no stranger to you. Whether in newspapers, when researching on the Internet or when sending messages on WhatsApp – they appear everywhere. But what are exclamation marks for and in which cases are they actually used?

The meaning of exclamation marks

Exclamation marks, along with periods and question marks, are punctuation marks, or more precisely, punctuation marks punctuation marks. They are usually at the end of a sentence and, as the term suggests, mark the end.

Check out the explanation of «Punctuation Rules» to learn more about the topic.

Exclamation marks are used to indicate a to emphasize a sentence or word, if you want the content to appear particularly important. They are often easy to get through replace a point. This has the advantage that the sentence or word less stressed, emotional or insistent works while the content remains the same.

The use of exclamation marks – examples

Wondering when an exclamation mark should definitely be used? There are a few rules that you can remember.

Imperative (demands and requests)

If you in imperativeso in the command form write, an exclamation mark is set. These requests express what the respective person has to do. In the case of requests, a wish is expressed. There are also exclamation marks here.

Stop messing around!

Come here!

Please leave me alone!

Please let me know immediately!

Please don’t be angry!

You can also click on the explanation of the «imperative» to find out more about the topic.

If prompts Information without specific emphasis give can end up simply one Point instead of the exclamation mark:


An exclamation mark is always used for exclamations:


(exclamation of pain)

That’s great!

(exclamation of enthusiasm)

How fortunate!

(exclamation of enthusiasm)

Caution! Danger!

(exclamation of warning)

As you can see from the examples, this does not always have to be a whole sentence – also after stand-alone exclamation words becomes a set exclamation mark. In addition, the above statements always reveal something about the Mood, like enthusiasm.

Exclamation words like «Ouch!», «No» or «Ugh!» are also called interjections.

If you want to string together several interjections, they are separated by a comma. Only at the end do you put the exclamation mark:

No no no! I will not do that.

Sentences that express mood

Sentences that express a certain mood also end with an exclamation mark. Below you will find examples for better illustration:

Now make a point!

It’s nice to see you again after such a long time!

While the first example sentence expresses a somewhat irritated mood, the second reflects a touched, happy mood.

headings and titles

Exclamation marks are often placed at the end of titles, primarily newspaper headlines, to importance of the topic anew highlighteven.

Salutations and closing formulas

An exclamation mark can also be used for salutations and closing formulas. You may have seen this form in letters before. Nowadays, the exclamation mark is usually omitted and instead an comma chosen.

The exclamation mark in salutations is therefore not wrong, but is now unusual.

That comma, also called the comma, is also a punctuation mark and helps to structure sentences. It is also often referred to as a delimiter.

Dear Peter!

Dear participants!

Warm greetings!

See you soon and have a nice holiday!

You put in after the salutation exclamation marknote that the next sentence with a Capital letter starts while after Commas written in lower case becomes.

staccato phrases

What are staccato phrases, you ask? This is very short, mostly grammatically incomplete sentences, which are lined up one after the other and transmit a message.

The so-called staccato movements are used very often in advertisements deployed. Accordingly, the exclamation mark is particularly useful, since the importance of a product is emphasized more strongly. The following statement aims to encourage as many people as possible to buy:

Now available! The new weight loss sensation! Without any sport! – Simply buy and feel good!

The following examples are also shortened sentences with exclamation marks:

Fragile Content!

Merry Christmas!

Exclamation mark in the middle of a sentence

Exclamation marks in the middle of a sentence do not appear in formal texts, but this type of punctuation does exist. She also serves the Emphasizing certain words or passages. Exclamation marks are always in brackets set:

Documents from authorities or offices or legal texts are referred to as formal texts.

He believes that three (!) people are enough to pull a train wagon.

This application occurs mainly in newspaper articles. Exclamation mark in the middle of a sentence, press often Doubt, amazement or horror and thus bind the readership emotionally to the text.

exclamatory sentences in the form of questions

The exclamation mark also appears in exclamations that take the form of a question:

How long am I supposed to wait!

From the example, you can see that the person making this statement appears angry or irritated. Becomes a Question mark at the end of the sentence is used, this one remains whole normal, neutral question without exclamation:

How long am I supposed to wait?

It is also possible to combine interrogative and exclamatory sentences. You may have seen this usage before:

What do you actually think of?!

This combination is only found in informal texts. These include e.g. B. E-mails to friends. If you have customer contact in your job or communicate with an authority, you should avoid using the spelling, as this combination of question and exclamation marks does not look professional.

Exclamation mark as a stylistic device – effect

The purpose of the exclamation mark is to emphasize certain important words or phrases in the textso that what is written is aimed at readers more insistent works. They also point out to speakers that the passages marked with the punctuation mark, volume up to recite. Therefore, exclamation marks will also tones called. They literally set the tone, so to speak.

Like the other punctuation marks, it separates words, phrases, or sentences, helping to structure texts.

Exclamation marks allow a grammatically incomplete sentence to stand alone. Statements are made through them as well perceived differently than a simple one scoring:

That will not do.

That will not do!

You can see from the example above that the sentence with a period comes across as much more neutral than the statement with an exclamation mark. This is much more emotional.

For example, if you are communicating with a company or authority by e-mail, you should consider whether the punctuation mark «period» is more suitable in most cases. Exclamation marks can often very demanding effectin and are not well understood by the recipients. So always consider in advance whether the Use of exclamation marks really necessary is.

The same applies to the staccato movements mentioned in the previous section. Basically, these are used in combination with exclamation marks to mark texts «more quickly» to make and read a certain «feeling of pressure» admit:

New in stores! The «Product XY»! Buy quickly and benefit!

Staccato phrases are also a important stylistic devicejust in the advertising. Nevertheless, before using them, it should be considered how many such short sentences or parts of sentences with an exclamation mark are appropriate. The text often has an effect on the reader as a result overwhelming. So you should always ask yourself if the «fast tempo» and the «loud tone» given by the exclamation mark are really appropriate.

If too many exclamation marks are used in a text, you lose also hers Effect.

Exclamation mark – The most important thing

  • Exclamation marks, along with periods and question marks, are among the punctuationmore precisely to the punctuation marks.
  • They are used in: requests and requests, exclamations, mood-expressing sentences, headings and titles, salutations and closing formulas, staccato sentences, mid-sentence and exclamatory sentences in the form of questions
  • Exclamation marks have the task to emphasize a sentence or wordif you want the content to appear particularly important.
  • You indicate when lecturers to speak «louder». – so they will too tones called.
  • Staccato phrases are on important stylistic device, do the text «more quickly» and create a certain «feeling of pressure» among readers, so they will be happy in the advertising deployed.
  • Exclamation points can frequently be uncomplicated be replaced by a period.


  1. textakademie.de: Punctuation marks. (06/02/2022)
  2. pro-publish.com: Set the exclamation mark correctly. (06/02/2022)