Dictators of the World | Learn how they changed history

In all periods of human history there have been people who have given themselves the right to decide about the lives of their fellow human beings without asking them. When this event occurs at the national level we speak of dictators who are «sovereigns who receive or arrogate to themselves the right to govern with absolute powers and without subjecting themselves to any law.» Join us to discover 10 Dictators of the World and learn how they changed History.

In the dictionary, the adjectives «tyrant» and «despot» are attributed as synonyms for dictator. Unfortunately, this type of attitude contrary to democratic values ​​occurs not only at the state level, but also at other levels such as work and even family life. The figure of the dictator arose in Ancient Rome and was a magistrate who in extraordinary moments and especially if there was a war, exercised power as supreme authority even above what the consuls dictated.

10 Dictators of the World worth knowing

1. Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler does not need to be introduced. The politician was born in Austria (which has certainly become one of the most recurrent Curiosities of Austria), and became leader of the Nazi Party, he was Chancellor of Germany and Führer of Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. He is considered responsible for the deaths of 17 million people, including 6 million Jews and 1.5 million members of the Gypsy/Roma people..

Furthermore, as His foreign policy caused the start of World War II, is also responsible for the between 50 and 70 million deaths caused by the conflict. Who was one of the worst dictators in the world, committed suicide on April 30, 1945 to avoid being captured by the Soviet army.

  • The Hitler Quotes to learn about the controversial thoughts of the man who changed the course of History.
  • Everything you didn’t know about Hitler’s wife: a story worth knowing.
  • The truth about Hitler’s death: a very controversial event.
  • If you want to know in depth the country where he carried out his questionable policies, don’t miss our selection of Curiosities of Germany.

2. Joseph Stalin

Stalin was Secretary of the Russian Communist Party between 1922 and 1953 and President of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union between 1941 and 1953. He came to power after the death of Lenin. He is considered directly responsible for 23 million deaths, although some historians attribute between 40 and 62 million to him. His erroneous economic policies caused more than 10 million deaths due to starvation to which must be added those caused by the «Great Purge» and the so-called «Great Terror» since he destroyed all those who opposed him or his ideals in any way. He died of a heart attack.

3. Francisco Franco

Francisco Franco was one of the senior military officials who carried out the coup d’état in 1936 against the democratic Government of the Second Republic. On October 1, 1936 he was invested as supreme leader of the rebel faction and at the end of the war he was the Head of State until his death in 1975. His dictatorship lasted 40 years.

4. Fidel Castro

Fidel A. Castro Ruz, Cuban politician and revolutionary, took power in Cuba and governed as Prime Minister between 1959 and 1976 and as President between 1976 and 20011. Since his arrival in power, the means of production were nationalized and expropriated to run the country. towards a socialist economic policy. He ruled for more than 40 years and was never elected to office. Numerous human rights violations were carried out during this period..

  • To discover his great sentences and ideas, discover the Quotes from Fidel Castrothe undisputed leader of the Cuban Revolution.
  • If you are interested in knowing more information about your country, don’t miss our compilation of Curiosities of Cuba. And if you prefer to know it first-hand, we recommend that you take a look at this guide on What to see in Cuba. You’ll want to pack your suitcase and go now!

5. Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini, journalist, politician and also leader of the fascist National Party, governed Italy constitutionally between 1922 and 1925, but later abandoned all democratic pretensions and became a dictator. Between 1943 and 1945 he was the «Duce» (guide) of the Italian Social Republic until he was executed. His participation in World War II was part of the imperialist plans that he wanted to develop in Europe and Africa.

6. Augusto Pinochet

Augusto Pinochet, one of the best-known dictators in the world, He came to power in Chile after a military coup in 1973 and remained in power for almost 20 years. in which he brutally repressed those who opposed him. It is estimated that during the first three years more than 100,000 people were arrested. After a plebiscite held in 1990, he abandoned the presidency. He stood trial in the early 2000s, but the court ultimately ruled that his mental state was unfit to stand trial.

7. Saddam Hussein

The one who was president of Iraq for 34 years (between 1969 and 2003) carried out, among other criminal acts, the «Kurdish genocide» or the war against Iran. It is considered the cause of more than 2 million deaths. The fifth president of Iraq, at the head of the Ba’ath party, was key in the 1968 coup. Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging in December 2006.

8. Hosni Mubarak

Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak was in power from 1981 until February 11, 2011. During his dictatorship, a state of emergency was decreed on several occasions and after this protection there were arrests, martial trials, torture and murders.. It was presented to the West as the only alternative to radical Islam.

9. Muammar Gaddafi

One of the best-known dictators in the world was without a doubt Muammar (or Muammar) Gaddafi. He ruled Libya for 42 years in which he spread terror not only within the country, but throughout the world..

10. Mao Zedong

The Chinese politician and dictator Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung), who exercised his power between 1931 when the New Soviet Republic of China was declared and he was elected president, until his death in 1976. He is considered responsible for more than 70 million deaths due among other things to the famines caused by the so-called «Great Leap Forward»those sentenced to death indiscriminately and those murdered for being «enemies of the state.»

Much more about the greatest Dictators in the World…

  • Important Phrases from History: discover the quotes that have deeply marked the history of our evolution.
  • War Books that will allow you to delve deeper into these conflicts far beyond their evidence.
  • One of the most prominent figures of the Nazi era was a girl, capable of changing the world with just a diary. She thoroughly knows her history with the Anne Frank Quotes.

Although by definition there are various types of dictatorships (military, personalist, monarchy…), in short it is always an authoritarian form of government. Did you know these dictators of the world? Do you remember other dictators in history? Share it with us so we can expand this list! 🙂 Oh! And if you were interested in this post, you may want to read: Which dictator killed the greatest number of people?