Elegant, intelligent, faithful and with a touch of sublime mystery. Cats have fascinated humanity since ancient times, to the point of becoming one of the most valued and universal pets. But, if there is a culture that erected them, even to the altars of the deity, it was the Egyptian one. If you are a cat lover, you will surely love to know what role cats played in Egyptian culture. and the peculiar way in which many people revolved around their desires and their well-being. And, contrary to what they are now, adorable pets, cats in Ancient Egypt held a peculiar power. So, you know, if you have one of these charming pets at home, start adoring them as they did in the past, they will surely thank you… And now, without further ado, join us at to learn why the Egyptians adored the cats.
The appearance of cats in Egyptian culture
At we declare ourselves fans of Egypt and all the fantastic symbols that its culture contains. And it is that, Just traveling to its deserts, to its marvelous pyramids and sphinxes, to the wild and natural beauty of the Nile, is quite an experience.. But if we also immerse ourselves in its cultural heritage, we find a country that simply fascinates us. We already told you on one occasion about the Curiosities of cats in Ancient Egypt, But this time we want to talk to you about why the Egyptians were so delirious about these elegant felines. And cats in Ancient Egypt were not just anything. There are many historical testimonies that explained to us the absolute reverence of the Egyptian people for felines.
Diodorus Siculus, for example, was a famous Greek historian of the 1st century BC. C., who spent a lot of time in the Nile Valley. Throughout his prolific work, he explains to us, among other things, the punishment that he received for a Roman soldier when, while in Alexandria, he committed the evil thing of killing a cat. In any other country that act would have gone unnoticed, but there, that man was tried and later executed.
Another important historian, Herodotus, told us about how Egyptian families suffered if one of their cats died by accident, having to shave their eyebrows as penance and carry out an entire prayer ceremony in memory of the animal. As for the burial of cats in Egyptian culture, they were also really curious. The animals were placed in a kind of sacred boxes, and then taken to the city of Bubastis.
Ctesias, for his part, Greek physician and historian from the 5th century BC. C, told us another episode in which the role of cats in Ancient Egypt is evident. Was the battle of Pelusium, in 525 BC. C. Something truly amazing happened in it: the Persians, knowing the Egyptians’ cult of cats, had the idea of painting feline images on their shields. (although it was even said that many soldiers put the bodies of dead cats in their protection), thus generating such an impact in the face of such sacrilege, that the Egyptians surrendered. All these appearances of cats in Egyptian culture show us that for that people, the feline was not a common animal, but a being conceived as sacred.
The purpose of cats in Ancient Egypt
Cats in Ancient Egypt had key importance for many families: It eliminated rat infestations and even deterred snakes from entering the home. It is speculated that they began to enter homes to live with humans around 3800 BC, the date on which the first burials of cats are dated. In many tombs of the time, such as that of the 18th Dynasty, we see these animals always located under the chairs of kings and nobles.
Another notable example was that of Amenophis III’s son, Prince Thutmose, a boy who died early and did not become king. He is usually always represented with a kitten named Myt. When this animal died, a beautiful stone sarcophagus was made where we see inscriptions of how the cat later goes to Osiris himself.. She was buried in the Memphis necropolis (today she is in the Cairo Museum), also having the opportunity to even contemplate the ushabtis that were placed in her tomb. As you know, they are those little magical figurines designed to replace the deceased in the tasks of the other world, but, yes, these are really special, since they have a cat’s head.
Why did the Egyptians worship cats?
We have already reviewed a little about the role and image of cats in Ancient Egypt. But… Where does such fascination come from? What is the source that leads Egyptian culture to worship cats with such devotion?, to even have the honor of accompanying the highest personalities of society to their graves? Well, the answer to all these questions is found in Egyptian mythology itself,
And how can we not turn cats into gods? It was something inevitable: they could see in the dark, their eyes had the shine of the sun and their personalities had an enigmatic mystery, where sullenness alternated with the closest fidelity. Well, devotion to cats comes from an Egyptian goddess. The deity that embodied the spirit of cats was Bastet, a peaceful goddess who offered light and happiness, a creature who, when angry and had to protect someone, took on the appearance of a fierce lioness.. His character was, therefore, unpredictable (like that of cats). He could go from the sweetest tenderness to the sharpest violence, if duty demanded it.
It protected Egyptian families and homes, including pregnant women. The cult of Bastet has its origins in very, very remote times, already appearing in the «Book of the Dead» or in «The Pyramid Texts», having its city in Bucastis, the current Zagazig, in the Nile Delta.
As you can see, the value of cats in Egyptian culture is really endearing and interesting. They saw in them the representation of those beings capable of defending them, of being docile and at the same time fierce if they had to protect them. Creatures endowed with mystery, who also had the power of the sun in their clean gaze. How to deny it? If you like cats, you will surely agree with this always so exciting culture.
And you, Did you know the fascinating universe of cats in Ancient Egypt and all the symbology it contains? If you liked this article, we invite you not to miss this other one about the best Curiosities of Cats. Do you know why they love cardboard boxes so much? Or why they hate bathing? If you have one of these four-legged friends in your home, you will surely love knowing these facts. We are in a super curious next topic!