Anyone who is bothered by a birthmark or mole for aesthetic reasons may think about a painless and lasting removal by laser treatment. An expert at FITBOOK explains why this is not a good idea – and what the dangerous consequences would be.
In the past, you basically had to cut out unwanted spots on the skin. Working with the laser device is now part of everyday business in aesthetic dermatology. Theoretically, birthmarks could also be removed painlessly with lasers – but this risks a much bigger problem: In the worst case, skin cancer could develop at the site.
FITBOOK spoke to the Munich dermatologist Dr. medical Timm Goluke. As he explained, laser treatment only abrades the top layer of skin and does not reach the root. «Possible changes that take place under the skin can no longer be observed optically,» warns the specialist.
If you want to have a liver spot removed, this must be done with a scalpel. Otherwise there is a risk of serious consequences for your health.Photo: Getty Images
The so-called ABCDE rule helps to determine whether positions are changing critically. like dr Golüke confirmed to us that birthmarks should be in puncto Asymmetry should not be too conspicuous. if their Bborders appear washed out or jagged and they have a very dark tint (Colation) stand out as well if you Ddiameter has increased and/or you others Edevelop, a dermatologist should be consulted. All of this could no longer be recognized if the mole was superficially removed.
You can only laser certain changes
It is not strictly forbidden to treat skin changes with the laser. With warts, for example, this is possible in a similar way as with pigment spots (age spots). Birthmarks, on the other hand, should always be examined by a specialist with a dermatoscope before any action is taken. And if you absolutely don’t want to see a birthmark anymore, according to the expert’s assessment, you have to have it cut out. Leaving a small scar is certainly the lesser evil when you consider the unnoticed and dangerous consequences of laser removal.
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How to properly remove a mole
«The skin is numbed and the spot is cut out in a spindle shape with a scalpel,» says Dr. Goluke. The wound is sewn up. When the stitches can be removed depends on the location. In the face it is so far after about seven days, on the back it would take up to three weeks. The procedure is not completely over: «In order to protect the area from light and to keep scar development to a minimum, it should be creamed with a silicone-containing gel for a period of three months.» You can find out more from your treating dermatologist.
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Doctors should normally be aware of the ban on lasers on moles. However, beauticians with less medical training are also allowed to work with a laser device. If you are offered the beautifying procedure: please absolutely refuse – and ideally think twice about cutting it out. After all, moles are popularly called “beauty spots” for a reason.