87 times vaccinated against Corona! How dangerous is that?

A man from Magdeburg has been vaccinated against Corona a total of 87 times since the summer of 2021. But not out of exaggerated fear of the virus, but to then resell the fake vaccination cards. The 61-year-old is now being investigated.

The curious case from Saxony-Anhalt is now going around the world. And many ask themselves: Does the man have to fear health consequences in addition to the legal consequences? FITBOOK explains how dangerous it is to get vaccinated 87 times.

87 vaccinations since last summer

As the “Freie Presse” reports, the Magdeburg resident has been appearing in several Saxon vaccination centers since the summer of 2021 to be vaccinated against the corona virus. He presented a new blank vaccination card each time. With these vaccination cards, he exchanged the first page with the patient data and resold them with the real batch numbers. He was vaccinated a total of 87 times – sometimes he was given up to three injections a day.

It was only when an employee in a vaccination center in Dresden recognized him that people became suspicious, as a spokesman for the German Red Cross reports. Accordingly, the other vaccination centers were informed and instructed to call the police if the man showed up there. He was then exposed during an attempt in a vaccination center in Eilenburg. The criminal police are now investigating the unauthorized issuing of vaccination cards and forgery of documents. Several blank vaccination cards and his health insurance card were secured from the 61-year-old.

Also interesting: Factors that can affect the effectiveness of the corona vaccination

How dangerous is it to get vaccinated 87 times?

On the other hand, the man does not have to fear serious health consequences after his 87 vaccinations – but no positive effects or even immunity to the corona virus.

The doctor and journalist Dr. medical Julia Fischer compares the effect of 87 vaccinations with that of hyposensitization in allergy sufferers. «The more the immune system sees an antigen, the more likely it is to think, ‘This protein doesn’t seem to be dangerous, maybe it’s mine, so I’ll stop developing a harmful immune response against it.’ This is what people with allergies want – of course not with the coronavirus. It would therefore be theoretically possible that, despite his 87 vaccinations, the man would not be better protected against corona than before the first vaccination,» she explains to MDR Saxony-Anhalt. But to find out, you have to examine him.

Also interesting: What is stopping people from getting the corona vaccine?

Case refutes anti-vaccination arguments

It can be assumed that the 61-year-old specifically provided unvaccinated people with the fake vaccination cards. There can be many reasons why people decide against vaccination. However, the case clearly refutes some of the main arguments of so-called opponents of vaccination. For example, that the vaccination is dangerous or that the immune system is burdened.1

Regardless of the reason why people refuse a vaccination: Buying or showing a fake vaccination certificate is always a criminal offence. With the new Infection Protection Act, which came into force at the end of 2021, the penalties for fake vaccination certificates have been significantly tightened. According to §277 and §275 of the Criminal Code (StGb), the presentation of a fake vaccination certificate can be punished with a fine or with imprisonment of up to two years.2

In particularly serious cases, such as the commercial sale of false vaccination certificates, a prison sentence of three months to five years is even possible. Whether this is the case in this case is now being examined.
