6 signs you’re consuming too much protein

You can also eat too much protein – the signs of this are not life-threatening, but limit the quality of life massively.

A high-protein diet is trending and supporters rave about the positive effects on their health and performance. Of course you are right. It can become problematic if you overdo it with protein meals – especially meat – and other nutrients are neglected. This not only affects your own body – other people can also suffer from it. FITBOOK has compiled six signs that can indicate that you are eating too much protein.

Bad breath

It has long been known that the body emits unpleasant odors in various ways when eating an extremely protein-rich diet. Therefore, bad breath that brushing your teeth won’t get rid of can be a sign of eating too much protein. This effect is due to a metabolic state called ketosis. Because in order to break down all the protein, the body produces a chemical that smells like rotten eggs and old cabbage. By the way: Even the quiet place is a no-go zone for a long time after leaving (FITBOOK reported) due to the unpleasant smell.

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Speaking of quiet places: the walk there is not only a stinky, but also a strenuous undertaking. Because without enough fiber, which is found exclusively in plant-based foods, no gut will be happy, according to the renowned Mayo Clinic in a publication.1 The extremely sluggish digestive process leads to constipation, which can only be eliminated with the help of fruit, vegetables and whole-grain bread prints . Incidentally, the intestinal bacteria no longer get their money’s worth, which can throw the microbiome out of balance in the long term.

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Protein disciples need more fluids to allow the body to excrete the excess nitrogen. Unfortunately, the body does not always report the increased need with more thirst. As a result, there is a risk of dehydration, which is followed by headaches, lethargy and dry mouth. A small 2002 study of athletes found that as protein intake increased, fluid balance decreased.2 Therefore, individuals on a high-protein diet should always drink two large glasses more water than they think they need.

Also interesting: Possible symptoms of dehydration

Testosterone deficiency and loss of libido in men

Another sign of too much protein: low testosterone and a consequent lull in bed. According to a recent British study, protein fans have up to 37 percent less testosterone than men who eat a balanced diet.3 And if you are planning a family at the same time, it could also be difficult, because the sperm count also decreases massively with this diet. A healthy testosterone level is also important for strength, muscle building and athletic performance. In short: A permanent protein overdose often has the opposite effect of what one would hope for.

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Impaired kidney function

A lot of protein means a lot of amino acids, which are extremely important, but still have to be broken down first. This leaves excess nitrogen. And to get rid of it, the kidneys have to work even harder. A study has therefore dealt with the question of which diet is more harmful to the kidneys: a low-fat diet or a high-protein diet with few carbohydrates. Two years later, it was found in the protein group that the fluid and electrolyte balance was disturbed in some subjects, or that the filter function of the kidneys was not working as well.4 If these early warning signs are ignored, gout can develop. The associated deposits on joints and tendons ensure limited mobility and are quite painful.

Also interesting: 5 foods that are good for the kidneys

Bad mood

Being in a bad mood can also be a sign of too much protein. Because, although the amino acids contained in protein are important for a stable mood, the brain also needs carbohydrates to be happy. This explains why enjoying pizza, chocolate and Co. can make you feel good. Studies have shown that high levels of protein cause mood swings and even depressive moods, especially in women.5 Men seem to be less affected.
