15 Rules of the Templars | Order of codes of chivalry

If you still don’t know who the Templars were, we tell you that they were knights belonging to the «Order of the Poor Companions of Christ and the Temple of Solomon» known as the Order of the Temple. It was one of the most powerful military orders during the Middle Ages thanks to its famous «regulations of the Knights Templar» and despite its fame, the order was active for less than two centuries. The rules of the Templars defended honor and glory, but the end of their history was truly cruel.

King Philip IV of France, heavily indebted to the order, in 1307, ordered the arrest of a large number of Templars, who, subjected to terrible torture, confessed to crimes they had not committed, for which they were condemned to die at the stake. In 1312, Pope Clement V, pressured by the king of France, dissolved the order. The name of the order has survived to this day with the famous rules of the Templars full of legends and many mysteries.. At we want to show them to you. Join us to learn some curiosities about the Knights Templar regulations that you may not have known!

10 Rules of the Templars

The Templars were first governed by the Rule of Saint Augustine and at the Council of Troyes the rules that would govern their lives were definitively established in every detail, finally based on the Cistercian Rule. The norm spoke as much about their diet and fasting as their clothing, hairstyle, prayers and even what their weapons should be like.. Some of the Templars’ rules were really curious, let’s look at some:

1. The Templar knights wore white cloak, this is perhaps one of the most well-known Templar rules. White is a symbol of purity and chastity. However, within the ranks of the Templars there were sergeants who always had to wear a black cloak, a symbol of strength and courage. The knights had to wear it at all times, they were even prohibited from eating or drinking if they did not wear it..

2. The rules of the Templars regarding clothing were extremely detailed, so much so that on the cape they wore, on both sides they wore a red anchored cross or pâté over the heart (the left shoulder). It symbolized both the blood shed by Christ on the cross and a memory of the permanent vow they made..

3. The regulations of the Knights Templar required that they must eat together, but always in silence. His rules on fasting were less severe than those followed by the Benedictine monks so that they would not go into combat weakened. Nevertheless, The periods of time at the table were a ritualthey ate and drank while reflecting on their relationship in community and with God.

4. After the meal, they had to go to sleep and rest without making any sound. The Templar rules specified that: «In much speaking there will be no lack of sin, and death and life are in the tongue»; so silence was always his best ally. If at any time the Knights Templar needed to communicate with their superior after the meal, they had to be specific, quick and speak very quietly.

5. In the short and precise conversations of the order, they made room for another of the curious rules of the Templars: Jokes and idle words that caused any type of laughter and ridicule were prohibited.. And if they laughed for any reason, they would have to pay penance by praying or fasting.

6. The Templars were never to surrender and if the Templar flag fell they were to regroup with members of other orders, such as the Hospitallers, under their banner.. If this too fell, they would join the remaining Christian troops and only if all of them had been lost were they allowed to leave the battlefield. This may be one of the rules of the strongest Templars, they had to die rather than abandon their honor.

7. Unlike what we see in idealized drawings and paintings of the Templars, these, According to article 28 of the Knights Templar regulations, they had to wear short hair. Although this rule was not flexible, it was quite common for members of the order to sport long, prominent beards.

8. Another rule of the Templars is that these soldiers could have up to three horses, because the poverty of the house of God and the Temple of Solomon does not give rise to more horses, unless they were masters, they were allowed a greater number of horses.9. The Templar, according to the rule, received as weapons a sword, a spear, three knives and a mace. He was also given at least one squire to take care of him, although his staff usually consisted of about 10 people. This rule does not seem to appeal to the poverty of the order, on the contrary, they had to have sufficient resources to support their legion..

10. Acts of unnecessary violence were prohibited, which included hunting and in general the use of bows and crossbows.

11. Added to the rules of the primitive Templars, there were others that talked about topics such as alcohol consumption, which should always be moderate or the obligation to wash one’s hands before eating or praying.

12. As good religious soldiers, the rules of the Knights Templar did not allow them to act according to their own interests under any circumstances. Well, as a basic rule, they did not seek one thing, nor did they love more than Christ.. Complying with this rule was very important, because as with the curiosities of the Bible, loving God above all things was a law.

13. The rules of the Templars did not allow the use of objects made of precious metals such as gold or silver, they could not wear bits, pectorals, spurs and stirrups in this type of metal. Except that, if they received objects of this type from alms, they would have to cover the metal so that it did not look like a kind of vanity.

14. Another of the rigid Templar rules were the cards. None of the Templars could receive letters from his father or from anyone else, They couldn’t even send letters to each other.. In order to write letters they had to ask for a ‘licence’ and then read the letter in front of their teacher.

15. The last of the rules of the Templars, which in our opinion are curious, is about their life before becoming soldiers of God. They could neither speak nor hear conversations about their past life., no one could know about old loves, family routines or customs. If someone heard another speak, he had to immediately silence them, since this last rule of the Knights Templar Regulations was imperative.

We hope that each of the Templar rules that we mention here has been to your liking. Surely you want to know more about the mysteries of the Templars, because we assure you that your order caused and causes great uncertainty. And if you like mystery, discover some headquarters of secret societies, many will amaze you.